Diploma in Health Science (Public Health)

This programme is designed to provide specialisation in Public Health and Environmental Health sciences to produce competent graduates capable of providing diverse and effective health care services to meet the demands of the constantly changing health care system and environment in the county. The programme includes modules on disease control, environmental health protection, health promotion, public health law and regulations, food safety and quality control, disaster management, risk assessment and management and occupational health and safety that focus on human safety and health from potential and actual hazards.

The overall aim of the Diploma in Health Science (Public Health) is to prepare students for works providing safety and protection of the public and the environment.  The fundamental principles of this programme will prepare students to become knowledgeable, competent, dynamic and accountable environmental health or public health practitioners underpinned by sound knowledge, effective skills, and positive attitudes.

The Diploma will be awarded to those who have satisfactorily completed the following prescribed requirement:

  • Acquire the stipulated minimum credits of 75 credit values for the programme, and
  • Satisfactory attendance.

A maximum period of five (5) years is allowed for the students to fulfill all the requirements for the award of the diploma.

Students who fail to obtain the full requirements for the award of Diploma will be issued with an achievement transcript.

On successful completion of the programme, graduates will be eligible to register with the Brunei Allied Health Professionals Board, and work in any government and non-government agencies that require their expertise in public health services and practices.

In the government sector, career in environmental and public health services and practices at Ministry of Health, careers in the field of occupational health and safety within various ministries e.g., Ministry of Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Defense and etc., careers in food safety and quality control in Brunei Darussalam Food Authority (BDFA), Safety, Health and Environmental National Authority (SHENA) and etc. The non-governmental include private sectors Industries/Companies such as Brunei Shell Petroleum, Health and Environmental Jerudong Park Medical Centre, Hengyi Sdn Bhd, Food Industries and etc.

Graduates of the Diploma in Health Science (Public Health) will also be eligible to apply for the degree programmes in related fields, such as Environmental Health, Public Health, Food Safety, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Entomology & Parasitology, Health Promotion, Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental Management, Risk Assessment and Management, Food Sciences, Environmental Health Impact Assessment and etc.

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