Centre for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CiTL)


The Centre for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CiTL),   established on January 1, 2014, was formerly known as the Educational, Media and Resource Department. At present, CiTL has 4 members; the Head of Department, two Education Officers and one Technical Assistant.


The Centre has been set up with the goal to improve the quality of teaching and learning through curriculum enhancement. CiTL provides support for effective teaching and learning processes by focusing on the staff and students in Politeknik Brunei.  The Centre also serves as one of the important support organisations for Politeknik Brunei by using innovative techniques and methods in teaching and learning, such as blended teaching and learning.

In addition, CiTL also helps to foster effective teaching and learning environments that are robust and dynamic in light of the current changes in today’s technology and education system in the 21st Century. CiTL also provides an avenue for research and understanding of various pedagogical methods and strategies in higher education.


1. To equip the teaching staff with appropriate pedagogical skills.

2. To provide an avenue for relevant support and training which caters to student needs.

3. To conduct a periodic review of the curriculum needs according to the needs of the relevant stakeholders.


Centre for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CiTL)
Politeknik Brunei
Block 2E Level 10
Ong Sum Ping Condominium
Jalan Ong Sum Ping
Bandar Seri Begawan BA1311
Negara Brunei Darussalam

Office: +6732234466

E-mail: citl@pb.edu.bn