Virtual Signing of Letter of Collaboration (LOC) between ITE, Singapore and Politeknik Brunei
On the 9th of November 2022, Politeknik Brunei (PB) signed a Letter of Collaboration (LOC) with Institute of Technical Education (ITE), Singapore aimed at enhancing teaching and learning using Artificial Intelligence and Mixed Reality.
LOC Signatories:
Mr. Suresh Natarajan, Principal, ITE College Central, Singapore
Dr. Lim See Yew, Senior Director, School of Engineering, ITE College Central
PB Signatories:
Mr. Lim Kian Boon, Acting Director of Politeknik Brunei
Mr. Haji Muhammad Reizal bin Haji Mohammad Ali, Head of School of Science and Engineering, Politeknik Brunei
Members of Politeknik Brunei (PB) staff and Institute of Technical Education (ITE), Singapore in a group photo session to mark the successful signing of the Letter of Collaboration (LOC).